PC Moves Chart

image from ArtBreeder

filed under pythia and mechanics on 23 Feb 2017
tagged solo, pythia, python, tool, tutorial, and player emulator

So about six months ago I wrote a framework for emulating PCs, with the idea that you would play solo as usual, but when it came time for your PC to do something, you’d use a chart (along with some more complicated mechanics for modifiers and timing) to determine what the PC did.

Anyway, I ended up scrapping the framework. It was fun to run but not really the direction I wanted to go – too many mechanics. But I did end up with the following chart, which I ultimately rolled into Pythia Oracle, where it’s a great tool for on the fly “what the heck does he do next” questions.

2d6 PC Moves Chart
2 PC acts out of character in a negative way; a secret revealed. [True Face]
3 Draw a new Seed and interpret it negatively in context of the PC’s potential actions. [Inept]
4 Something from his backstory negatively influences his action. [Flashback]
5 PC indulges or expresses a vice or ignoble facet of their character. [Ignoble]
6 PC takes the easiest possible option for them. [Weak]
7 PC acts in accordance with their current desire. [Focused]
8 PC uses an aspect they’re comfortable with (maybe a skill, profession, tactic, or similar). [Skilled]
9 PC indulges or expresses a noble facet of their character. [Noble]
10 Something from his backstory positively influences his action. [Flashback]
11 Draw a new Seed and interpret it positively in context of the PC’s potential actions [On Point]
12 PC acts out of character in a positive way; a secret revealed. [True Face]

Interestingly, as I looked it over with a jaundiced eye, trying to decide if it’s worth updating, I discovered that it’s not a “PC” Emulator – it’s a literal “Player” Emulator. You’re even encouraged to give them names!

I think it works much better as a Pythia chart, to be honest, though I do remember my first play-test was a lot of fun.